Online Speech Bank: Al Gore - 2000 Presidential Concession Speech
And tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession. I also accept my responsibility, which I will discharge unconditionally, to honor the new President-elect and do everything possible to help him bring Americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our Declaration of ...
Text of Gore´s Concession Speech - The New York Times
Dec 13, 2000 · Following is the text of Vice President Al Gore's concession speech Wednesday night, from the Old Executive Office Building in Washington, as recorded by The New York Times: Good evening.
(14 Dec 2000) English/Nat XFA SOUNDBITE: (English) SUPERCAPTION: Al Gore, Vice President Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork Twit...more.
2000 U.S. Presidential Election Concession Speech - Genius
On December 13th 2000, 36 days after the night of the Presidential Election, Al Gore delivered his concession speech and made George W. Bush the president-elect of the United States.
Al Gore Concession Speech | Video - C-SPAN.org
Dec 13, 2000 · In the presence of family members and the Lieberman family, Vice President Gore conceded the presidential election to Governor Bush. In his remarks he called for national unity and pledged to...
Al Gore concedes presidential election | December 13, 2000 - HISTORY
Nov 24, 2009 · Vice President Al Gore concedes defeat to Texas Governor George W. Bush in his bid for the presidency, following weeks of legal battles over the recounting of votes in Florida.
Text of Al Gore's Speech - ABC News
Dec. 13 -- The following is the text of Vice President Al Gore’s address to the nation, in which he withdrew his claim to the hotly contested 2000 presidential race. GORE: Good evening.
Al Gore Concession Speech : CSPAN3 - Archive.org
Dec 12, 2020 · In the 2000 presidential election, Texas Governor George W. Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore in one of the most highly contested races in U.S. history. The outcome was not decided until five weeks after voters went to the polls, when the U.S. Supreme Court stopped a …
Text Of Gore's Concession Speech - CBS News
Dec 14, 2000 · Following is the text of the concession speech delivered by Al Gore on Wednesday: Good evening. Just moments ago, I spoke with George W. Bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd...
THE 43rd PRESIDENT; In His Remarks, Gore Says He Will Help …
Dec 14, 2000 · Following is a transcript of Vice President Al Gore's concession speech last night, as recorded by The New York Times: Good evening. Just moments ago I spoke with George W. Bush and...