The case is the latest—and arguably biggest—test of the conservative majority’s appetite to remove legal barriers for religious groups seeking to participate in taxpayer-funded programs, with ...
Several organizations have voiced concerns about the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to hear a case regarding an Oklahoman ...
On January 24, 2025, the United States Supreme Court granted two petitions for certiorari in the cases of Oklahoma Statewide ...
Jan. 31 (UPI) --Can a charter school be religious? The Supreme Court decision about St. Isidore, a Catholic school in Oklahoma, could redraw lines around church and state in education If approved ...
The justices may give their blessing to the nation’s first religious public school. But we should have seen this coming.
The justices recently agreed to review appeals that cite First Amendment religious rights. The high court’s decisions could ...
The Supreme Court will weigh an effort to establish the nation's first religious charter school with implications for school choice and religious practices. The court agreed Friday to hear two ...
Some of us measure our year in weeks, months, or, for the readers of this article, likely by the school calendar. The Supreme ...
The Supreme Court agreed Friday to review a First Amendment battle over a Catholic charter school in Oklahoma, setting up the next major test for the boundary between church and state relations.
SCOTUS will decide whether the nation’s first-ever religious charter school should be allowed to open in Oklahoma. #oklaed ...
Los Angeles and other large cities have been leaders in establishing charter schools ... Supreme Court’s conservative majority may see this as discrimination against religion. The appeal granted ...
Jan. 31 (UPI) --Can a charter school be religious? The Supreme Court decision about St. Isidore, a Catholic school in Oklahoma, could redraw lines around church and state in education If approved, St.