A Russian Telegram channel has claimed that Bashar al Assad may have been poisoned, sparking online speculation about the ...
Syria’s former media chief and top aide to Bashar al-Assad said that Russian President Vladimir Putin may have “tricked” the ...
The Telegram account General SVR is popular with British tabloids but has a less-than-perfect track record for truth.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that he has not met the toppled Syrian president Bashar al-Assad since he fled to Moscow but plans a meeting. "I haven't yet seen president Assad ...
A video shared on X purports to show former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visiting his aunt’s home in Moscow, Russia.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that the fall of ex-Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad was not a "defeat" for Russia, claiming Moscow had achieved its goals in the country. Assad fled to ...
Around a quarter of a billion dollars was airlifted to Russia from Syria by Bashar al-Assad more than five years before his downfall, it has been reported. A longtime ally of Syria, Russia has ...
MOSCOW, Dec 23 (Reuters) - The Kremlin on Monday rejected Turkish media reports which suggested that Asma al-Assad, the British-born wife of former Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, wanted a ...
Toppled dictator Bashar al-Assad airlifted around £200 million in cash to Moscow in a two-year period when Syria was dependent on Russia for support. The Financial Times has uncovered records ...
Bashar al-Assad has said Russia forced him to flee Syria and that he wanted to continue fighting the “terrorist onslaught”. In his first statement since the fall of Damascus, the former president said ...