Transmedium” UFOs Jeopardize U.S. Security Gallaudet made the case for studying underwater UFOs, or what the government calls ...
F ormer Fox News host Tucker Carlson mentioned a mysterious government scheme called "Project Aqua," linked to UFOs, during a ...
A retired rear admiral in the Navy and director of NOAA said that UFO capability to seamlessly transition from air to water ...
Officially, the U.S. government has no proof that sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena are the result of alien activity ...
Crowdsourcing sightings could lead to answers ...
Following a classified briefing on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs), more commonly known as UFOs, Rep. Tim Burchett (R ...
A top brain expert and a former CIA officer has revealed he has dealt with 'hundreds of patients' that have sustained ...
I’ve known people who thought that fame would solve all of their problems. Then they find out they have even more problems to ...
Over the last five years, a series of bizarre — and remarkably brazen — “drone swarms” have overwhelmed key Department of ...
A software glitch in a weather application led alien and UFO sleuths to believe there was an underwater anomaly the size of ...
John Oliver jokes that he’s close to proving major UFO discovery - Host of Last Week Tonight called on US government to be ...