Thursday marks the 10th anniversary of the May 2, 2014 Odessa Trade Unions Building massacre, in which 48 anti-Maidan ...
A 16-year-old North Carolina high school student was suspended for saying “illegal alien” while discussing word meanings in English class — possibly ruining his chances of landing a college ...
With at least the tacit backing of U.S. Central Intelligence Agency officials, operatives linked to anti-Castro terrorists introduced African swine fever virus into Cuba in 1971. Six weeks later ...
There will be no punishment for the so-called ‘officers’, there never is. The corrupt Bush government gave them license to beat, club, break bones, fracture skulls, tazer, strip search, beat ...
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on earth. And it's only getting worse. POLICE STATE 4 chronicles the sickening depths to which our republic ...
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a world-renowned Belgian virologist, has warned that a massive wave of illness and death among the highly vaccinated population with compromised immune systems is imminent.
A cattle rancher is raising the alarm after the federal government started bulldozing undamaged Texas farms following the recent wildfires. In a video message, the rancher, whose identity is not ...
Thousands of Penn affiliates, interim president marvel at solar eclipse — despite clouds over campus | Clouds may have congested the view of Monday’s solar eclipse from campus — but they did ...
Globalist predators are banking on us having short memories but knowledge is power and we can shut down Covid hysteria 2.0 if we enact Operation Peaceful Non-Compliance The brilliant ...
Alison Weir | In full view of the world, the US is facilitating “some of the worst crimes of our age,” an actions that could ultimately cause America’s downfall… Why is this happening and ...
Evil beyond anything in the recorded history of humanity is now among us. Most, if not all the world's leaders are controlled by it and willing participants in it. It is eugenocide, the culling of ...
Welcome to America under the woke democrats and Biden. In six months, Trump will either be in prison or dead and Biden will finish destroying America. If you think things are bad now, you ain't ...