A volcanic eruption at Yellowstone is unlikely anytime soon, but evidence is growing that a violent hydrothermal, or steam, explosion is possible.
Mars Sample Return and missions to study other planets and celestial bodies, including lunar efforts, face big cuts and delays.
On June 4, 2021, amid flowering saguaros and prickly pear cacti, a wildfire bloomed in the Sonoran Desert in central Arizona. Its nascent flames gorged on nonnative grasses desiccated by a long ...
When dice snakes fake their death to avoid predators, those that use a combination of blood, poop and musk spend less time pretending to be dead.
The discovery of sympathetic nervous system cells in lampreys draws a closer tie between the animal and complex vertebrates — such as humans.
Researchers have created a visual encyclopedia of the different expressions that belugas ( Delphinapterus leucas) in captivity seem to make with their highly mobile “melon,” a squishy deposit of fat ...
Little is known of how teens learn about emotions online and then use that knowledge to cope with social uncertainty during in-person encounters.
Experiments in mini greenhouses show how the tiny organisms lurking underground in a "sleepy biome" could be a contributor to climate change.
Should people be worried? Pasteurization and the H5N1 virus’s route to infection suggests risks to people remains low.
Growing out patches of grass can lure adult butterflies and moths with nectar and offer lawn mower–free havens for toddler caterpillars.