The goal of the breeding herd is to consistently meet pig production targets by ensuring farrowing facilities are fully utilized. To achieve predictable pig flow, groups of mature females are bred ...
Considering the beneficial effects on intestinal microbial balance, dietary administration of probiotics such are live yeasts are reported to relieve the stress of sows in gestation and lactation.
Piglet survival can generally be defined as the number of piglets weaned divided by the total number of piglets born × 100. Piglets that do not survive until weaning are generally stillborn or die ...
Global swine disease monitoring identified Japanese encephalitis virus, a transboundary disease transmitted by Culex mosquitos, as an emerging threat to the U.S. swine industry. The 2022 JEV outbreak ...
Pork producers across the country have stepped up the challenge to "Give-A-Ham" and donate "Pounds of Pork" this holiday season. As CEO of Minnesota Pork Board, Jill Resler said it was a privilege, on ...
The good news is the major change in the Corn Belt weather pattern with rain and in many cases heavy rains falling just prior to pollination of the Midwestern corn crop. The current forecast is ...
This month we decided to look the influence of farm size on production. Is there an ideal farm size? Is it easier to staff and manage a small or large farm? Data being used came from the Swine ...
Attendees at the Farm Progress Show talk with exhibitors and fellow farmers about latest ag technology ...
Recent volatility in the hog market has been both a blessing and a curse for producers trying to navigate the current environment as they evaluate risk management decisions. On the one hand, ...