For the 6th time, the best street food artists will be making a pilgrimage to the Herrenacker in Schaffhausen.
Accumpagnamaint musical da Yuliia Shevchenko da Kiew ill’Ucraina. Ella abita daspö duos ons a Berna, es magistra da bandura e ...
Back at Les Amis, Moncef Genoud (piano) is accompanied this time by Yoann Schmidt on drums and Tim Verdesca on bass for an ...
Idyllisch frühlingshafte Klänge erwarten uns am Diner musical mit dem Kammerorchester «camerata aksademica» und der jungen ...
With its elegant churches, magnificent parks and squares, the old town of Bellinzona Region offers a fascinating insight into ...
Forest bathing is a gentle, guided, half-day relaxation program in nature. It is organized in the parks of Basel (mostly in the Merian Gardens) and in the forests around Basel. By experiencing nature, ...
Forest bathing is a gentle, guided, half-day relaxation program in nature. It is organized in the parks of Basel (mostly in the Merian Gardens) and in the forests around Basel. By experiencing nature, ...
The content presented here is provided and updated by regional/local tourist offices or event organisers, which is why Switzerland Tourism is unable to guarantee the correctness of the contents.
The content presented here is provided and updated by regional/local tourist offices or event organisers, which is why Switzerland Tourism is unable to guarantee the correctness of the contents.
The content presented here is provided and updated by regional/local tourist offices or event organisers, which is why Switzerland Tourism is unable to guarantee the correctness of the contents.
The content presented here is provided and updated by regional/local tourist offices or event organisers, which is why Switzerland Tourism is unable to guarantee the correctness of the contents.
Forest bathing is a gentle, guided, half-day relaxation program in nature. It is organized in the parks of Basel (mostly in the Merian Gardens) and in the forests around Basel. By experiencing nature, ...