In the government we expect another change of guards, while the president - three years before the end of his term in office ...
When the world's biggest elections are held in India from 19 April to 1 June this year, two unequal opponents will be running against each other for the third time in a row. Narendra Modi, Prime ...
It is now three years since the India Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation celebrated its 50th anniversary. Together with our partners, supporters and friends, we will continue to honour this long ...
The Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change Asia-Pacific (RECAP) was launched in 2015 in Hong Kong SAR, China supporting the dialogue in the Asia-Pacific region. Analysis of disaster ...
The education system must succeed in strengthening the basic skills of a heterogeneous student body. Adaptive learning systems offer individual support through customized tasks and can support ...
Contrary to predictions, the Turkish local elections have proved to be a success for the opposition. The largest opposition party CHP in particular emerged as the winner. While both the ruling AK ...
“This Isn’t A New Weapon, It’s A New World.” Niels Bohr breaks down the impact of the creation of the bomb in the movie "Oppenheimer" by explaining that building the atomic bomb won't just change the ...
Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung setzt sich national und international durch politische Bildung für Frieden, Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit ein. Wir fördern und bewahren freiheitliche Demokratie, die Soziale ...
Die koreanische Nationalversammlung hat 300 Mitglieder, wovon 254 Mandate über Mehrheitswahlkreise und 46 Mandate per ...
Jährlich grüßt das Agentengesetz: Im zweiten Anlauf soll ein umstrittenes Vorhaben im georgischen Parlament verabschiedet ...
Wenn vom 19 April bis 1. Juni dieses Jahres in Indien die größten Wahlen der Welt abgehalten werden, dürfen zwei ungleiche ...
Die Kommunalwahlen waren der erste Test für die neue liberal-demokratische Regierung von Donald Tusk. Es stellt sich die ...