It is not known where your lord will send you then, when you can no longer enjoy life, a home in your own country, as you did ...
As Revolution broke out and turned to Terror, British citizens living in France found themselves transformed from friends of ...
Is Orkney Scandinavian or Scottish? Having passed from the former to the latter during the Middle Ages, for centuries the ...
Shakespeare’s Sisters: Four Women Who Wrote the Renaissance by Ramie Targoff refutes the claim by Virginia Woolf, that the ...
A last will and testament does not, in and of itself, possess the value of, say, the family silver. But it is a vital document for all involved: the testator and the legatees, but also, later, for the ...
The traditional date for the founding of the greatest city of the Western world was the product of guesswork by Roman writers of the late centuries BC, working backwards from their own time. There ...
Anselm of Canterbury is one of the most important and influential figures of the medieval world, best known for his ontological ‘proof’ of the existence of God. He spent most of his adult life at the ...
More than a million Indians fought for Britain in the First World War, 60,000 of whom were killed. In the immediate aftermath of the war, pressure for Indian independence mounted. Early in April 1919 ...
Ethelred the Unready (or the ‘Ill Advised’) became King of England in 978 at the age of ten and new Viking raids on his country began in the 980s. The young king’s principal adviser was Dunstan, ...
Saint Ignatius of Loyola began his career as an ambitious army officer with, as he recalled, ‘a great and vain desire to win renown’. In time he would become a general, but of a religious order rather ...