Butt Philip's interpretation of Lohengrin was imbued with a rare sense of nobility and mystique, perfectly capturing the enigmatic allure of the Knight of the Holy Grail. From his poignant Act I ...
Rome [ENA] In an increasingly polarized world and with less and less certainty in the economic field, alliances between countries that share the same principles are playing a crucial role in defining ...
The journey begins with the famous opening line: "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect." This profound moment sets the ...
Sigmund Freud's seminal work, "The Interpretation of Dreams," a book as enigmatic as the subconscious itself, is dissected and reimagined by the innovative British-Irish theater duo. Dead Centre has ...
Torino [ENA] Beauty and fashion come together in Mondovì, a charming and historic town in the province of Cuneo, in the north-west of Italy, almost on the border with France, creating a unique ...
Rome [ENA] Holy See–Italy relations refers to the special relationship between the Holy See, which is sovereign over the Vatican City, and the Italian Republic. Due to the dimension of the ...
Akademietheater [ENA] In an ambitious and thought-provoking collaboration, Dead Centre delves into the intricate folds of history and memory with their latest production, "KATHARSIS," inspired by Olga ...
Rome [ENA] Italy continues to receive the most refugees and migrants of those who arrive in Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea using traffickers usually linked with mafias. While some ...
Rome/Buenos Aires [ENA] The United States of America have postponed for 90 days the menaced imposition of 25% tariffs on most Chinese imports after a dinner meeting between Donald Trump and Xi ...
Rome [ENA] EU taxonomy makes available clarity on which activities are considered environmentally and socially sustainable for investors. The Taxonomy regulation should enable investors to ...
Frankfurt am Main [ENA] It is about civil courage with prudence for rescue of emigrants. An exciting report about the ...
Eschborn [ENA] In einer demokratischen Gesellschaft ist der Gleichheitsgrundsatz ein Eckpfeiler. Er gewährleistet, dass alle Bürger vor dem Gesetz gleich behandelt werden, ungeachtet ihrer politischen ...