Dr. Jane Goodall, the renowned primatologist and anthropologist, said, "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." As we reflect on the year ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met Chinese President Xi Jinping but failed to convince him that his country’s industrial over-capacity was threatening the global economy nor reduce his strong ...
In late February, the inaugural flight of an air taxi from Shenzhen Shekou Cruise Homeport to Zhuhai Jiuzhou Port took only 20 minutes with an estimated one-way ticket price of 200 to 300 yuan per ...
The essence of education is defined not by the facts it imparts, but the potential knowledge it inspires students to individually pursue on their own. Put it this way – the ideal form of ...
There exists a curious bifurcation in international discourse on China today. On one hand, there are those who prevaricate between either of the following narratives – firstly that China has ...
在經過報名和一輪評審之後,Demo、Kinyan Lam、 Pabepabe、Reverie By Caroline Hú、Selffab.、Vann及 Yeung Chin這7個香港品牌脫穎而出,在2024秋冬巴黎時裝周期間 ...
順應大自然周期 jincup最獨特之處在於是為保留咖啡的香氣而設計,亦是喜歡於戶外享受咖啡的Jin與大自然的連結。jincup的杯身以輕盈聞名,精巧的木 ...
廣告的意亂情迷Sarah於五年前就已經有《ETC》的構思,她一直都覺得香港是個很「上鏡」的城市;經歷幾年的疫情後,終於能夠完成作品。Sarah鏡頭下 ...
在經過報名和一輪評審之後,Demo、Kinyan Lam、 Pabepabe、Reverie By Caroline Hú、Selffab.、Vann及 Yeung Chin這7個香港品牌脫穎而出,在2024秋冬巴黎時裝周期間 ...
暴力源於反暴力 2022年,《伊尼舍林的女妖》上映,電影描寫1923年,愛爾蘭內戰,小島外國家發生內戰,小島上兩個多年好友,其中一人突然要跟另 ...
「勞力士中國海帆船賽」今年踏入62周年,是亞洲最經典離岸賽事之一。該賽事受到皇家海洋競賽會認可,勞力士自2008年起便鼎力支持,成為冠名 ...
走在繁忙的中環鬧市,可有想過停下急速腳步,感受藏在城市一隅的藝術氛圍?從來視櫥窗不止於展示商品的法國殿堂級品牌Hermès(愛馬仕),在2024 ...