Chinese have discovered a new way to reach the United States – travelling from Ecuador, a distance of 4,000 kilometres, much of it on foot. The route is called zouxian (走線), the “walking ...
藝術,除了美感之外還可以有什麼實際的功用?由2013年開始成立的TheCollective一向專注於arttech表演及裝置藝術,但疫情期間的各種原因啟發了團隊要 ...
在這一輯的sustainability專題之中,「價值」、「用途」、「意義」等詞彙經常出現,不禁讓筆者去想,這就是「可持續發展」的意思嗎?可持續 ...
Recently, an article by a local think tank MWYO on the employment support for young single parents in Hong Kong points out that although nearly 40% of these young people (aged 18 to 34) who do not ...