Google parent Alphabet has increased artificial intelligence (AI) research and development (R&D) spending and raised cloud ...
The precision metal parts manufacturer is using HP’s Metal Jet S100 printers to produce components using metal powder for the ...
Evidence in the questioning of 35-year Post Office veteran reveals the lengths the Post Office went to in hiding computer ...
Business workflows can usually be mapped onto flowcharts which depict the set of actions an IT system takes, but large ...
Women make up a higher percentage of new entrants to the cyber security profession, particularly among younger age groups, ...
Latest study of UK communications market from national regulator finds access to gigabit broadband and 5G mobile coverage has ...
Catchpoint CEO Daoudi’s session was entitled ‘IT is all about high-performance’, a clear reference to Catchpoint’s Internet ...
The rise of the managed service provider (MSP) model has caught the eye of many financial backers due to its recurring ...
Philipp Herzig, Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer bei SAP, erläutert den KI-Ansatz des Unternehmens und wie es die ...
Ob relativ teure Zero-Day-Exploits eingesetzt werden, hängt unter anderem von der Aussicht auf den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg ...