Smith’s discussion begins not with Paul but rather with Chloe (who appears by name in 1 Corinthians 1:11) and her people.
This kind of prose gives a glimpse into one of the novelist’s other talents: McBride is a jazz musician who records and ...
Perhaps the most important thing about the US-Mexico border from this perspective is that it is a place of encounter—between ...
With its limited amenities and outsized social services, Iglesia Misionera Cristo Vive looked nothing like any church I’d ...
A new published volume of ancient papyri contains sayings, attributed to Jesus, that were previously unknown—including a ...
It’s hard to know how to ask God to bless America right now. On a recent visit to the East Coast, I found friends and peers ...
On a cloudy fall day in 2021, about 100 people were praying in the only Sikh temple in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, when ...
The Palestinian theologian challenges Christians to examine their feelings about Israel—and to ask what their faith has to do ...
This means that our “anxious toil” isn’t virtuous; it’s harmful. God isn’t invested in helping those who help themselves; God ...
Who doesn’t love Marilynne Robinson’s Gilead—or even more, her first novel, Housekeeping? Yet better than her fiction, for my ...
As Jimmy Carter warned in his farewell address, “the national interest is not always the sum of all our single or special ...