OpenSilver 2.2 debuted today with a focus on helping developers revive Visual Studio LightSwitch legacy applications ...
The original 'AI pair programmer' GitHub Copilot got a big boost in capabilities with the introduction of the companion Chat ...
Microsoft today shipped a preview of OData .NET 8. The last major update, coming in the Microsoft.OData.Core NuGet package, ...
Uno Platform updated its .NET-centric third-party dev tooling offering, with the highlight of version 5.2 being a new "Single Project" that can be used by developes to target nine different targets.
In modern applications, data is being retrieved in asynchronous, real-time streams, as the days of traditional pull requests where the clients asks for data from the server are becoming a thing of the ...
No doubt GitHub Copilot has been a boon for developers, but AI might not be the best tool for collaboration, according to developers weighing in on a recent social media post from the GitHub team.
Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research tackles the process of examining a set of source data to find data items that are different in some way from the majority of the source items. Data anomaly ...
As any Visual Studio Code user knows, the editor's command palette is a powerful tool for getting things done quickly, without having to navigate through menus and dialogs. Now, we learn how an ...
Microsoft embraces many programming languages beyond its own C#, TypeScript, F# and so on, lately boosting its support for Go, the popular language developed by Google. The company last week started ...
No doubt GitHub Copilot has been a boon for developers, but AI might not be the best tool for collaboration, according to developers weighing in on a recent social media post from the GitHub team.
Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research tackles the process of examining a set of source data to find data items that are different in some way from the majority of the source items. Data anomaly ...