It can be tempting to try and press forward when you encounter flooding on the roadway. But there’s a reason for the saying ...
That's why every time we get another round of Tornados in Texas, we pass them on to you. The videos below are from a couple ...
Jock was chasing out in the Texas Panhandle yesterday (May 1) when a tornado near Turkey slammed his research vehicle, ...
The NewsTalk 1290 AM station is down due to technical difficulties. NewsTalk can still be tuned in to at 96.3 FM. It can also ...
Did this first base coach trip a 12-year-old girl as she attempted to catch a foul ball? Sometimes things can look a lot different depending on the viewing angle as one individual respectfully pointed ...
Most major cities in the Lone Star State are spread out, making it hard to get by without owning a vehicle. Sure, there are ...
Who else caught a glimpse of that special 18-wheeler rolling through Texas City today? It's not your average big rig, that's ...
For me, tornadoes are equal parts terrifying and fascinating. I’m one of those people who just has to go outside and take a ...