Or that government functionaries should act like entrepreneurs. The Federal Drive with Tom Temin‘s guest wonders what that even means? He’s long-time federal union president and leadership professor ...
DHS also named a director for its AI Corps, a new initiative aimed at recruiting 50 AI experts to lead high-priority projects across the department.
DCSA is also updating the technology systems behind the background investigations process. The National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) will modernize several older IT systems into a single, ...
As an acute threat, the pandemic departed a couple of years ago. The Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC) has another 18 months to do the same.
ACF, HUD and other agencies collaborate to help make access to services less daunting to people at their most vulnerable and trying to recover from a disaster.
The CX director for Navy’s PEO MLB shares how her team engages employees, sailors and Marines to get feedback.
The New Hampshire and Maine cyber leaders say using the StateRAMP cloud security shared service accelerates their digital transformation efforts.
Beginning today with the ISS National Lab. It’s the government funded organization which manages all non-NASA research and ...
The Department of Veterans Affairs is seeing signs that some of its newer special pay authorities are leading to improvements ...
Employees reported buying COVID-related services, but those turned out to be things like plumbing repairs and NordicTrack ski machines.
Bill that would preserve pandemic-era data analytics tool is worth supporting and would avoid a repeat mistake.
Trade associations connected to federal technology, generally back the latest White House directives on artificial intelligence.