How do we understand past societies? For centuries, our main sources of information have been pottery sherds, burial sites ...
The hypertension drug rilmenidine has been shown to slow down aging in worms, an effect that in humans could hypothetically ...
Scientists have developed a vaccine against a notorious drug-resistant superbug, targeting molecules on its surface that are ...
There may not be any insects on Mars, but new photos from an orbiting spacecraft have revealed a plethora of 'spiders' that ...
A unique genetic mutation in two siblings – that has never been seen in anyone else – has been discovered by UK researchers ...
A 52-year-old Florida man presented to hospital with complaints that his usual migraines had worsened over the past four ...
If ozone holes last longer, summer-breeding animals around Antarctica's vast coastline will be exposed to high levels of ...
Surgeons in the United States have transplanted a modified pig kidney into a living person for the second time, a hospital ...
Using cannabis may cause changes in the human body's epigenome, a study of over 1,000 adults suggests. The epigenome ...
The very act of measurement, though, can cause these atomic clocks to degrade. The lasers heat the atoms, and they escape ...
On Tuesday a RocketLab Electron rocket launched NASA's new Advanced Composite Solar Sail System. It aims to test the ...
Most of us have experienced the sudden, deafening blare of a car's modified muffler, shattering your tranquility into a ...