The growing amount of surveillance technology being deployed in the country is concerning due to Indonesia's increasing blows ...
Cyberattackers are exploiting CVE-2023-7028 (CVSS 10) to take over and lock users out of GitLab accounts, steal source code, ...
DMARC adoption is more important than ever following Google's and Yahoo's latest mandates for large email senders. This Tech ...
The startup says its SaaS platform helps organizations detect and recover from ransomware attacks faster than "traditional" ...
Microsoft has uncovered a common vulnerability pattern in several apps allowing code execution; at least four of the apps ...
The space agency needs to implement stricter policies and standards when it comes to its cybersecurity practices, but doing ...
In most cases, the goal of these attacks is disruption or destruction. Around 80% of USB-based threats every year now are ...
The quest to keep data private while still being able to search may soon be within reach, with different companies charting ...
A recent campaign targeting Middle Eastern government organizations plays standard detection tools like a fiddle. Cyber ...
Threat actor dropped in to Dropbox Sign production environment and accessed emails, passwords, and other PII, along with APIs ...
Some customers found that they had the ability to cancel a stranger's flight to another country after opening the app, which ...
Though Olympics officials appear to have better secured their digital footprint than other major sporting events have, significant risks remain for the Paris Games.