Created in 2019, the European Cartoon Award rewards "courage and quality in the field of cartooning and foster conversation ...
Unsere Presseschau beschäftigt sich mit der Sicht der europäischen Medien auf die Wirtschaft und Grenzschließungen in ...
En las últimas semanas, el continente se cubrió de lluvias. Veamos las dificultades de la precisión en el rápido contexto de ...
Nell'Ue lavorano circa 4 milioni di infermieri, con una distribuzione fortemente squilibrata tra paesi: ne servirebbero oltre ...
Is the report on the European economy prepared by former ECB head Mario Draghi a recipe for deregulation? Or a plea for ...
Spanish workers cross into Portugal to work in the call centres of Spanish firms, as "wages are low and the protections are ...
On 26 October, Georgian voters will choose their new parliament. This election will be decisive for the future of Georgia and perhaps of Europe.
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Delle 475 vignette giornalistiche provenienti da 24 paesi che abbiamo dovuto esaminare, tre sono state selezionate: Tjeerd ...
Sur les 475 dessins de presse de 24 pays que nous avions à examiner avec mes quatre co-jurés, trois ont été shortlistés : ...