Donald Trump’s increasingly close relationship with tech leaders has been noted for weeks now. They’ve donated millions to ...
The British rock guitarist John Sykes, who played with Whitesnake and Thin Lizzy, has died aged 65. A statement on his ...
ትራምፕ ዓለም አቀፉ ድርጅት ኮቪድ-19ን ለመከላከል ያደረገው ጥረት ላይ ተቃውሞ ነበራቸው። ወረርሽኙ በተከሰተበት ወቅትም መቀመጫውን ጄኔቫ ካደረገው ተቋም የመውጣት ሂደት ቢጀምሩም ፕሬዚዳንት ጆ ...
The president has moved to change the US government's policies on gender and diversity - here's what that means.
The Trumps took the floor at the Commander-in-Chief Ball, later joined by Vice-president JD Vance and his wife Usha.
ኣብ ታሪኽ ኣሜሪካ ፕረዚደንት ድሕሪ ምዃኑ ስዒቡ ኣብ ዝተኻየደ ፕረዚደንታዊ መረጻ ተሳዒሩ ካብ ዋይት ሃውስ ብምውጻእ፡ ኣብ ዝቕጽል ውድድር ስዒሩ ናብ መንበረ ስልጣን ዝተመልሰ ካልኣይ ፖለቲከኛ እዩ። ...
ፕሬዝዳንት ዶናልድ ትራምፕ በሥልጣን ዘመናቸው አሜሪካ "ወርቃማ ዘመን" እንደሚጠብቃት ተናግረዋል። ትራምፕ በካፒቶል ቃለ መሐላ ሲፈጽሙ፣ የበዓለ ሲመት ድግስ ሲታደሙና ዋይት ሀውስ ከገቡ በኋላም ...
Yousef Salech enjoyed a Cardiff City debut to remember, even if he was only on the pitch for six minutes. Cardiff's new ...
Xayyaarri pirezidaantin Ameerikaa qofti ittiin imalu kun Waayit Haawus Samiirra Jiru (the flying white House) jedhama. Biiroo ...
President Donald Trump has said he plans to end "birthright citizenship", which refers to automatic American citizenship ...
US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to begin the process of withdrawing the US from the World Health ...
ትራምፕ በመጀመሪያው የሥልጣን ዘመናቸው ሌሎች አባል ሀገራት የሚጠበቅባቸውን ከጠቅላላ የሀገር ውስጥ ምርት 2 በመቶ ድርሻ ማዋጣት ካልቻሉ አሜሪካ ኔቶን ለቃ እንደምትወጣ አስጠንቅቀው ነበር። አክለውም ...