But recently I spent a week watching it to try to determine why one would watch it. The national news spends much of its time on crime and weather. On the national news, mass shootings anywhere in ...
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. I cover the news media industry, including print, digital, and cable. None of this, of course, is happening in a vacuum. New data from the ...
David Blackmon is a Texas-based public policy analyst/consultant. Don't look now, but the national news media finally appears to be catching onto the fact that, amid all the chaos within the Trump ...
Temperatures are expected to reach the 80s this weekend in Pittsburgh, a sudden change that means the temperature will more than double from Friday morning levels. On Friday morning, the National ...
She stays sharp by practicing while watching the national news and the many pharmaceutical ads, which include those rapid-fire disclaimers about side effects. The 74-year-old credits her work with ...
Four men were injured in the attack, according to 9News. The national news service said the church had advertised that Emmanuel was due to give an Assyrian Bible preaching from 7 p.m. on Monday.
Winning the award made the national news in Brazil, with pieces of the award ceremony broadcast countrywide and additional coverage for Tem Menina no Circuito in newspapers, radio and science blogs.
Americans saw the heroes of the civil rights movement on the national news, and then heard about the Ku Klux Klan's murder of a white homemaker from Michigan named Viola Liuzzo who had volunteered ...
“CBS News 24/7” that will rely on journalists both from the national news outlet as well as from CBS local stations — and serve as the new name of the broadband outlet. CBS will also expand ...
The bishop, described in local media as a figure sometimes seen as divisive on issues such as Covid-19 restrictions, was in the national news last year over comments about gender. Forensic ...