Companies are pitching fiber products to young people, and aiming to be the ‘Metamucil for the Stanley cup generation. ’ ...
Some people are even dubbing it "the poor man's Ozempic" or "nature's Ozempic." And while it's true psyllium, a soluble fiber that's found naturally in food and is available in supplement form, has ...'s newest columnists, the Nutrition Twins, have shared their top tips for buying supplements. These include ...
If you've been backed up for a while, you're likely annoyed...and very bloated. Here are five doctor-approved methods to ...
Leaky gut is mostly regarded as a symptom of other issues–such as inflammatory bowel conditions, celiac disease, dysbiosis, ...
Taking turmeric supplements will help make you feel in tip-top shape on your travels. That's because turmeric contains that ...
The husk of the psyllium seeds is dried and ground into a fine powder form that can be added to food and beverages to increase its fiber content. It has health benefits for healthy digestion that ...
Try these foods. Prunes contain sorbitol, a natural sweetener that has a laxative effect. Kiwifruit may help boost healthy ...
Microscopic colitis is inflammation of the colon's lining that causes chronic watery diarrhea. Thankfully, there are ...
First, your poop can tell you if you're eating enough fiber. A diet high in fiber makes stool softer, while a low-fiber diet ...
ROYAL CANIN Gastrointestinal Low Fat Small Dog: This new diet is formulated with nutritional management of small dogs that ...
Royal Canin has expanded its veterinary gastrointestinal pet food catalog with five new diets for cats and dogs.