Eight years ago, Charles' wife, Kira Johnson, died hours after she delivered their second child, Langston. It's a story 11Alive shared extensively in our Mothers Matter series. And even though it ...
Then she was gone. Her sister Pam, 21, had been inside the house at the time, and heard nothing — no struggles or screams. When Pam went outside to look for Sofia, all she found was an open can ...
When she walked out minutes later, she noticed that her scooter was gone. Then, she heard gunshots. As she stood on 14th Street NW, her mind, she said, went to the worst place. “I thought it was ...
It’s not that I don’t know other young people, but mine is gone, lost suddenly to anaphylactic shock ... reading and talking. And then when she was older, we still looked at books together — photos, ...
Cher revealed on The Jennifer Hudson Show that she did something many artists didn’t do in the 1980s and begin a residency in ...
Scottish comedian Samantha Hannah was working on a comedy show about finding a husband when Toby Hunter came into her life.
Sophie Schiff went to the Clearwater, Florida, event not expecting for it to be Kirstie Alley's possessions she was checking out, she tells PEOPLE.
On May 3, 1937, American author Margaret Mitchell learned her novel “Gone with the Wind” had won a Pulitzer Prize. It was the only book she published in her lifetime. In 1939, the motion picture, ...
A grandfather-figure, Bill, died soon after, and then her paternal grandmother ... Ms. Volz was still struggling with what she said was unresolved grief. She had gone through a rough spell recently.
Samantha had always loved comedy and she’d worked the UK comedy ... he’d grown up in Napier, gone to college in Wellington and then, in his mid-20s, moved across the world to London.