They date from the early days of what would become the United States to the sights and sounds echoing across the landscapes ...
In an effort to fully understand our nation's founding document, the New York Times bestselling author and humorist embarked ...
Americans are rightly comparing this to the suppression of speech by authoritarian regimes. But when you look more closely, ...
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) became the first university in the world to have an operating quantum computer. Just ...
The decay in American education is an alarming national security threat. Most high school or college graduates know about ...
The decay in American education is an alarming national security threat. Most high school or college graduates know about little more than their sexual orientation or Taylor Swift’s juvenile lyrics ...
They do not know the majestic, inspiring gospel of the Declaration of Independence. They do not know the United States ...
Education shouldn't end in the classroom. It should be with us every moment. It's our deliverance from an animal, hormonal ...
We are watching the absolutely shocking attempt by Trump trial judge Juan Merchan and Manhattan D.A. Bragg to secure, by any ...
By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated and be better prepared to defend and assert them,” ...
As early as 1776, Thomas Paine declared in “Common Sense” that “Law is King” in America, and 25 of 56 signers of the ...
Opinion: The Third Amendment emerged out of American colonists' grievances against the British Crown for forcing them to ...