I just made that up — came to mind when I was making the difficult slog through the admittedly ambitious but quite disgusting and weirdly inconsistent bigfoot drama/satire “Sasquatch Sunset.” ...
This item is no longer available for purchase. Dumb Ways to Die, the Australian public service announcement that becaume international phenomenon. If dressing up like a moose during hunting season ...
ADA — A murder trial is underway for a believer in Bigfoot who confessed to choking a friend to death to keep from being eaten by the creatures. Larry Doil Sanders was arrested on July 9 ...
ADA — A murder trial is underway for a believer in Bigfoot who confessed to choking a friend to death to keep from being eaten by the creatures. Larry Doil Sanders was arrested on July 9, 2022, after ...
PENNSYLVANIA, USA — Talkback callers continue to be full of ideas. But first, a comment on an elder abuse case in Union County.
ADA, Okla. (KXII) - Tuesday marked the first day of trial in Ada for a man accused of murdering his friend during a fishing trip because he thought the man was summoning Bigfoot to kill him.
A movie about a Bigfoot family with absolutely no dialogue? The faux documentary-style film "Sasquatch Sunset," starring Jesse Eisenberg (“Zombieland”) and Riley Keough (“Daisy Jones & the ...
A DreamMaker Project of the Ink People. Humboldt Homebrewers -- club news, contests, events, etc. Check us out on the website. www.humboldthomebrewers.org E.g. Jack is first name and Mandanka is last ...