At a cemetery in Argentina, a 1,500-year-old fox buried alongside humans suggests a "close relationship" between the species, ...
Extinct foxes and other animals were an important part of early South American communities, a new study has found. By Jack Tamisiea When roving bands of hunter-gatherers domesticated the wolves ...
Eleven species of canid are still in South America, while the two species D. avus and Dusicyon australis have gone extinct. D. avus, the species found to have been buried alongside the ancient ...
Last year, Bachman's warbler was officially declared extinct by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. It is the only songbird known to have gone extinct in North America in recent times.
but it is more closely related to today's river dolphins of South Asia than those in the Amazon Sarah Kuta Recurring symbols across 16 sites suggest that many of the artworks were created by the ...
Although North American and South American soybean markets remain distinct, supply and demand drivers are interconnected. A Global Commodity Although Brazil overtook the United States as the world ...
Are you planning a trip to South America? Do you need help figuring out where to go? South America is a gem that you need to explore! Whether you're looking for an adventure, a relaxing holiday, or ...
The toad was believed to be extinct until it was rediscovered ... It is a distant relative of the South American poison dart frog, and its skin is toxic enough to kill over 1,000 mice.
South America is in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, with the Equator running directly through the continent. The Tropic of Capricorn also runs through South America. The Pacific Ocean ...
Discover the South American recipes we offer from gazpacho to empanadas to explore the Latin flavors in your own kitchen. Erika Rojas is a graduate of the the Comal Heritage Food Incubator in ...