Carissa Fernandez, master trainer for Club Pilates, breaks down the best floor exercises to improve strength and overall ...
Aside from water to help you stay hydrated, Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN says that coffee is one of the best drinks to choose when ...
But [doing it ] daily is key,” Makhija said. F for Fibre A glass of vegetable juice is a great way to increase the roughage bulk to increase stool peristalsis. Gastroenterologists, too, often ...
3.Read the label: Follow the instructions on the packaging for proper usage and recommended dosage. Stool softeners typically come in capsule or liquid forms. 4.Take with water: When taking a stool ...
Studies show that increasing your intake of fiber can increase stool frequency and soften stools to ease their passage (5, 6). Chia seeds are particularly high in soluble fiber, containing ...
Intake of white bread, rice, or pasta can also work wonders for you at this stage of your life. It will act as a stool softener. Just like your pregnancy days, it's important to stay active after ...
Ask your doctor about the safest OTC laxatives or stool softeners, which can help provide temporary relief, per the Cleveland Clinic. If your constipation is chronic or severe (i.e., you regularly ...
If you need to strain to have a bowel movement, taking an OTC stool softener may help. Stool softeners are a type of laxative medication that draws water and fat from your body into your digestive ...