John Bel Edwards on whether he was complicit in ... Lawmakers involved in the special committee probing the 2019 death of Ronald Greene offered an array of explanations, including election-year ...
Hewitt took aim at current Governor John Bel Edwards when the topic of police transparency, specifically referring to the Ronald Greene case, came up. “One thing I will not do as governor is get ...
Other news stories revealed by public records have caught the interest of state legislators and local prosecutors, including the violent 2019 death of motorist Ronald Greene. Louisiana state ...
Former Gov. John Bel Edwards, the only statewide elected Democrat at the time, was indeed able to block most of the bills. But this year, nothing stands in the way. Edwards has been replaced by Gov.
What are records? Since 2014, The Marshall Project has been curating some of the best criminal justice reporting from around the web. In these records you will find the most recent and the most ...
Former Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards discussed political partisanship and overcoming ideological divides at a Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics forum on Tuesday. Moderated by Gris ...
Former Gov. John Bel Edwards, the only statewide elected Democrat at the time, was indeed able to block most of the bills. But this year, nothing stands in the way. Edwards has been replaced by Gov.
Former Gov. John Bel Edwards, the only statewide elected Democrat at the time, was indeed able to block most of the bills. But this year, nothing stands in the way. Edwards has been replaced by Gov.