Using nuclear fusion, the process that powers the stars, to produce electricity on Earth has famously been 30 years away for ...
"The JET experiment marks a significant milestone for fusion research." Scientists set record in fusion energy generation ...
Despite this, it’s good to see that the NIF’s ICF research is bearing fruit, even if for energy production we should look towards magnetic confinement fusion (MCF), which includes the many ...
ECCD is used in magnetic confinement fusion experiments to control and sustain the plasma current, while the application of resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) includes deliberately introducing ...
There can be no doubt that we are in a time of crisis when it comes to our use of the planet’s limited energy resources. We have to leave our bad habits in the past and focus on more sustainable ...
Grinding up the vast amounts of waste concrete around the world and spreading it on fields could remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and potentially boost crop yields, with no harmful ...
The Department of Surgery & Cancer received the prestigious Athena Swan Gold Award for its unwavering commitment to equality, diversity, & inclusion. The Department’s submission was led by the S&C ...
Any-fin is possible: the team found that a school of fish moving together in just the right way was incredibly effective at reducing noise (courtesy: Johns Hopkins University) You may remember the ...
The starting salary for a postdoc ranges from 4020 € to 4420 € per month Aalto University is where science and art ... you would perform technically challenging swimming force experiments with tiny ...
The starting salary for Doctoral Researchers is approximately 2700 € per month Aalto University is where science and ... You will perform technically challenging swimming force experiments with tiny ...
However, Proxima Fusion said it has embraced an engineering- and simulation-focused approach, leveraging advanced computing to tackle these challenges. The company's foundation lies in the results ...