The Hague-based ICC did not say if the comment related to its investigation into possible war crimes by Israel or Palestinian ...
The International Criminal Court prosecutor warned on Friday against unspecified threats and intimidation, amid reports that ...
US media says that the ICC might issue an arrest warrant for Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.
Welcome to The Hill’s Defense & NatSec newsletter{beacon}ou Defense &National Security Defense &National Security   The Big ...
The International Criminal Court ordered an end to attempts to threaten its officials, days after the US and allies raised concerns that the court may issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials.
Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to visit China little more than a week after starting his new term in office, underscoring the growing importance of ties between the two countries.
Russia and China are driven together by the US, which is breaking laws, undermining its national interests and foreign policy ...
Recently, I joined seasoned campaigners in others in urging the International Criminal Court in The Hague to introduce an ...
The ICC condemned attempts to intimidate the court from carrying out its duties in response to U.S. and Israeli statements condemning possible ICC charges.
Not supporting a warrant for the arrest of Netanyahu while the Biden administration vocally supported an arrest warrant for Putin.
Facing threats and pressure from Israel, the ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan has warned that the independence and impartiality of the ICC is being undermined.