There are two forms of colistin available in the market: colistin sulfate (tablets or syrup for oral ... MDR Gram-negative pathogens in the 21st century.
We have so many new tools now that the nature of what we can do at work is changing. Here are some of the most exciting qualities of tech-enabled work in the 21st century. In the age of crowd-sourcing ...
Once you are a college student, you will need to complete the following requirements to maintain your eligibility for your 21st Century Scholars award: File FAFSA each year (by April 15 for Purdue's ...
Mauricio Lima for The New York Times Depending on their size and technological sophistication, the drones can cost as little as $500 — a paltry ... “Welcome to the 21st century — it ...
The problem with television is that not all shows are received the same, which means not all shows are treated the same. Some, like Modern Family and The Office, hung around long enough for the ...
As we continue into the 21st century, how is technology shaping the designed environment around us? There is a worldwide demand for window shading products that are necessarily durable ...
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. David Blackmon is a Texas-based public policy analyst/consultant. That was an age during which the clear-cutting of forests for energy ...
More than ever, data centers run the world, but many of them need a 21st century reboot. Today’s data centers have to be more efficient, redundant, and flexible than ever. We examine when and ...
This series explores the ideas Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation, advances in a new book, From Generosity to Justice: A New Gospel of Wealth. We hope readers will chime in with their own ...
But the dawn of the 21st century has also brought some memorable metal moments as well. With that in mind, here's our list of 25 great metal albums from 2000 and after. Listed in chronological order.
21st Century Insurance sells auto insurance that comes with free roadside assistance. It provides direct policy services only in California, but its coverage is also available in other states ...
Following the launch of 1Xtra's Homegrown Vote, we're continuing our 20th Birthday celebrations with another 21st Century poll. This time, we're looking for the greatest R&B track of all time.